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Windows Keyboard Shortcutsfenster


WIN+D         to show the Desktop

WIN+M         to minimize all running

              programs windows

WIN+SHIFT+M   to restore all running 

              programs windows


Win + G       Показать гаджеты поверх



Shift+Click   Open a new instance of the


Ctrl+Click    Cycle between windows in a  


Ctrl+Shift+Click - Open a new instance of

              the program as



Win+1         Open the first program on  

              your Quick Launch bar

Win+2         Open the second program on 

              your Quick Launch bar


Alt+Tab       Switch to previous active 


Alt+Esc       Cycle through all open 


Win+Tab       Flip 3D [more info]


Ctrl+Win+Tab Persistent Flip 3D


Win+←Left     Snap current window

              to the left side of 

              he screen.

Win+Shift+←  Move current window to the 

              left monitor (with dual 


Win+→Right    Snap current window   

              the the right side of 

              the screen.

Win+Shift+→  Move current window to the 

              right monitor (with dual  


Win + Up      Snap current window to the  

              top  of the screen.

Win+Shift+Up  Развернуть по максимальному 

              окно по вертикали.

Win+Down        Snap current window to the  

              bottom of the screen.

Win+Home      Minimize all but the current


Win+Space     Peek at the desktop